We’re excited to host our annual church picnic on Sunday, June 23rd (postponed from June 9th) immediately following our 10 a.m. service. The picnic will be at Camp Alta Mons in Shawsville.
Picnic Schedule:
- 1:00 pm sharp – Baptisms in the river about a 5-minute walk from the pavilion. Please give yourself time to get there.
- 1:30 pm – Lunch and honor our graduates
- 2:15 pm – Group Games
What to Bring:
(Feel free to come to church wearing your picnic clothes.)
- Friends and guests
- A side dish/dessert and a drink (side dishes can include: fruit or green salads, slaw or potato salad, mac & cheese, etc.)
- (SGCC will provide hamburgers, hotdogs, buns, ice, condiments, paper products, and utensils.)
- Bring a lot of water to drink
- Comfortable clothes
- Tennis shoes for hiking or games
- Bocce and Corn hole sets.
- Softball, bats, gloves, frisbee, football, etc. However, the field may not be mowed for these sports.
- Swim suits, creek shoes and towels for the children if you plan to let them play in the creek.
- Lawn chairs – the only chairs there are picnic tables
- Sunscreen & Sunglasses
- Bug Repellant
What you can do while at Alta Mons:
(the picnic is an all-day event, so stay as long as you like).
- Eat, of course (SGCC will provided hamburgers, hotdogs and condiments)
- Fellowship with others
- Hike to the falls (about 2 miles round trip)
- Play in the creek (the kids love this)
- Catch Crawfish
- Play softball, football or frisbee. We will have a multi-event group competition which will utilize these locations so they will not be available the whole time.
- Play volleyball or basketball on their respective courts.
- Swim in the pool which may be open, but there is a fee to use it.
Directions: (these will be available at the information table on Sunday as well)
From SGCC (Northside Middle School)…
- Take Peters Creek Road to I-581 North
- Take I-581 North to I-81 South exit
- Take I-81 South to I-81 Exit 132 (Dixie Caverns).
- Turn left off of the ramp and then right onto Route 11/460W toward Shawsville.
- After approximately 8 miles, turn left onto Alleghany Springs Road (A bank and YMCA are on the left at this turn)
- Go approximately six miles on Alleghany Springs Road and Camp Alta Mons is on the right.
- It takes 35-40 minutes from the school building.